Privacy Policy

FIGU is aware of the implications and its responsibility to comply with the changes introduced in terms of personal data protection, namely with the taking effect on May 25, 2018 of the General Data Protection Regulation, approved by the Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of April 26, 2016.

FIGU is therefore committed to ensuring the protection of all personal data made available to it, having adopted various security measures, of a technical and organizational nature, in order to to protect personal data against any form of unlawful processing.

FIGU is also committed to continually improving the set of procedures and techniques implemented for the protection of personal data, also relying for this purpose on all suggestions that users of this site send us.

This Privacy Policy applies exclusively to the processing of personal data by FIGU collected through its website or commercial and promotional actions.

1. Purpose of processing:

Personal data are collected exclusively for the following purposes:

  • Response to contact requests from customers or potential customers;
  • Commercial management;
  • Execution of the contract and invoicing
  • Improvement or customization of our services;
  • Sending newsletters and other promotional actions. Customers can cancel their subscription to the newsletter service by email by clicking on the newsletter link that we send by email.

2. Personal data collected:

The data collected is limited to the name, e-mail address and telephone number, NIF, address, city, postal code, country, being used for the purposes foreseen in this policy, and can be obtained through:
Form website contacts;
Face-to-face collection.

3. Consent:

Before sending the first promotional message or newsletter, the express consent of the data subject will be requested to send this type of message.

  • This consent will be requested via email and the data subject will only receive messages if they respond positively. If the answer is negative, your data will be deleted.

4. Period of Conservation:

The personal data collected will be kept as long as there is consent from the holders, in the case of personal data in which their collection requires their consent, and all others will be kept as long as their conservation is legally obligatory or is necessary for the execution of the contract.

5. Sharing of personal data:

The personal data collected may be shared exclusively for hosting and backup on servers located in Portugal.

6. Rights of holders:

Under the terms of current legislation on the protection of personal data, we inform you that the data holder is guaranteed:

  • Right to be informed:

At the time of collection of personal data:
     a. The contacts of the controller
     b. Purpose(s) of treatment
     c. The conservation time limit
     d. Your rights as holders of personal data
     e. The possibility of resorting to the supervisory authority to file a complaint (and respective contacts)
     f. The (possible) existence of automated decisions and/or profiling.
Ask what information FIGU has about them and why;
Know where your data is stored and how your data is treated;
Be informed of how FIGU fulfills its data protection obligations.  

  • Right of access:

Confirmation of the existence or not of processing of your personal data;
Ask how to gain access to your data;
Availability of a copy of the processed personal data, preferably in an exportable format.  

  • Right to correct, erase and block:

Be informed about how to keep them up to date;
Obtain rectification of outdated, incorrect or incomplete data;
Possibility of erasing personal data that is no longer necessary for the purpose;
Block the processing of this data to verify accuracy or opposition.  

  • Right to limitation:

Challenge of the accuracy of personal data, for a period that allows the person responsible for the treatment to verify its accuracy.  

  • Right to removal/forgetting:

Request the removal of your data and the definitive elimination of those that do not conflict with legal obligations.  

  • Right to Portability:

Request the portability of your data;
Possibility of requesting your personal data in a format of frequent or common use, in order to transfer it to another organization, even if it is a competitor.
The exercise of rights by the holders can be done through the e-mail address, as well as by post, sending a missive with the data below:

Fio Singular Jewelry Lda
Estrada Monumental 456-7


7. Third Entities:

In general, personal data collected on the FIGU website are not transferred to third parties, unless it is in compliance with a legal obligation.
In the event of transmission of data to third parties, FIGU maintains, together with the subcontractors, the responsibility for the processing of personal data in a loyal, lawful and transparent manner. The subcontractor may only process personal data in accordance with the instructions defined by FIGU and always in strict compliance with the law and the purposes entrusted to it within the scope of the contract entered into. 
The transmission of personal data to subcontractors will only be carried out within the scope of contractually established relationships with FIGU and only and only when there is a basis that justifies it. 
In order to guarantee the confidentiality and security of the data, FIGU will take the legally foreseen measures to guarantee that the subcontracted entity offers sufficient guarantees for the protection of personal data, that it is a reputable entity and that it has sufficient technical and organizational security measures. , in order to protect personal data against destruction, accidental or unlawful, accidental loss, alteration, dissemination or unauthorized access and against any other form of illicit treatment, agreed, namely, upon formalization by contract between FIGU and the subcontracted entity in which the second undertakes to act only upon the instructions of the first regarding the processing of personal data. 
FIGU subcontractors will only process personal data for the purposes defined and agreed between the parties, as well as ensuring that data conservation, when necessary and applicable, meets the deadlines established by law and/or contractually.   
The holders of personal data must be informed at the time of collection of their data about their possible sharing with subcontractors of FIGU, whenever possible with identification of the organization and respective contact, as well as the purpose of such sharing. 
In the event that data is transferred to a FIGU subcontractor located in a third country outside the European Union, the latter must maintain a level of data protection equivalent to the protection afforded by current legislation in the European space, namely that provided for in the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 Of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016. 
In the context of international data transfers, (at least) one of the following procedures must be followed:
Individual contract or standard contractual clauses adopted directly by the European Commission or by a supervisory authority;
Participation of the subcontractor in a certification system or standard accredited or recognized by the EU to guarantee an adequate level of protection;
Recognition that the subcontractor's binding corporate rules guarantee an adequate level of data protection, issued by the control authorities.
Existence of an adequacy decision referring to the specific third country, territory or sector of that third country, or referring to the international organization concerned.
The rules for carrying out cross-border data transfers will not apply whenever occasional and necessary operations are involved for the fulfillment of a contract or in the context of a contentious process (judicial, administrative, or under terms with regulatory bodies or similar).

8. Principles, security and rights:

These are internal security and privacy rules:
Proceed with the processing of data in a lawful and loyal manner, collecting only the information necessary and relevant to the purpose for which they are intended;
Do not use the collected data for purposes incompatible with the collection;
Ensure the express consent of the data subject whenever required;
Guarantee free of charge the right to delete the data used when requested by the holder;
Have security systems that prevent the consultation, modification or destruction of data by unauthorized persons and that allow the detection of intentional or unintentional misuse of information.

9. Links to partner sites

The FIGU site may contain links to third party/partner sites. The sites referred to are not under the control of the Company and therefore the Company is not responsible for the content of any such sites.
 It is recommended that users of the FIGU website, when accessing other websites, consult the pages that, within these websites, refer to their privacy policies.

10. Cookies:

When browsing the FIGU website, cookies are used which, however, do not collect information that identifies the user. Generic information is collected, namely how users arrive and use the sites. The information collected is used for the purpose of controlling the number of visits and statistical studies, as well as to ensure that the website works correctly and facilitate navigation and improve the user experience. 
The use of cookies allows the navigation of the website to be constantly optimized in order to provide a high quality experience that exceeds the quality obtained in the previous visit by the user. You can consult our Cookies Policy here.

11. Amendment of Privacy Terms and Conditions:

This Privacy Policy may be subject to change or revision, without prior notice, due to legislative or regulatory requirements in accordance with the law in force.
As this Privacy Policy may be revised at any time, FIGU recommends its users to periodically review them.
